Monday, March 11, 2013

Day 3: Mala Steamboat @ La Tong Tian 辣通天火鍋

Mala Steamboat - you just have to try it when you're in Ximen Ding. I'd searched on the internet and had marked out Mala restaurants that I'd wanted to visit when we got to Ximen Ding. They need to have a wide variety of meat and vegetables and also good quality ice cream. i.e. Haagen Daz. 

However, when we could not find any of the restaurants when we arrived. Famished and tired, we just wanted to feed ourselves. We turned a few more corners before reaching the fringe of Ximen Ding. There stood a Mala steamboat restaurant called 辣通天火鍋 or La Tong Tian Mala Steamboat restaurant. 

We were a little apprehensive as there was nobody in the restaurant. But then again, it meant that we had the entire restaurant to our own! The cost of NT529 (S$22).

The service is a little different here. The waiter will pass you a list where you can tick out what you would like to consume. If you're unsure of what's good, the waiter would introduce to you to some of the more popular dishes.

The one main thing that we specified was that it needs to be the "yin yang" soup with both spicy and non-spicy broth.

Contact Details: 

La Tong Tian
No. 22, Sec 2, Han Kou St., Wanhua District, Taipei
+886 2 2371 1717

Opening hours: 11.30am to 1.30am

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